
http://artbylorirowe.com is finally up and running!

Hi, I finally got everything in one place. If you have been following http://artbylorirowe.com then you know this web page went through a progression of changes. As things are added I hope to keep you all updated. Some very exciting news, I have been picked up by another web page that wants to sell some of my work,YA!, when the contract and legalities are finished I will add a link for that site, I think you will enjoy looking as I did when I first found it. Another art organization will also be showing my art, as soon as that link is ready, I will also include it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love it when good things happen to good people. hugs!

Etsy for Animals

Thing you should check out!



Lori Rowe was raised by a geographically mobile family and considers Mystic, CT her town of origin. In keeping with her heritage, she now lives full time on the road traveling with her husband of seventeen years, 3 marvelous dogs and one pesky cat. She occupies her days as a full time artist. Her impressionistic art works are owned by both fine art collectors and art enthusiasts alike. Her passionate love of animals and children compels her to contribute much of her work to raise funds for worthy causes such as no-kill shelters, Dogs Deserve Better, Guide Dogs of America, Inc., CASA- protecting foster children (of the human variety) and animal hospice shelters.

Lori has recently been published by PAWS For Charity in the 2010 book PAWS For Charity which is donating all sales to The Avon Foundation Breast Cancer Crusade.